Civil Aviation Bureau

Training in Japan under Technical Cooperation in Nepal

JANS has been conducting technical cooperation in developing countries leveraging the JICA scheme. JICA is now granting a localizer equipment manufactured by NEC to Tribuhuvan International Airport under the grant aid project for improvement of Aviation Safety Facilities in Major Airports in Democratic Republic of Nepal. JANS is implementing a technical cooperation project for the operation side of ILS that is the very first installation in the country. To be specific, JANS is providing technical cooperation to train engineers in Japan as well as dispatching experts over a long period. Short term dispatch of experts are also carried out where necessary.
We have recently organized a training course in Japan for seven members of our counterpart, who will accept technical transfer. The purpose of this training is to prepare for launching a training program specialized for ILS with the aim of training air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) who will be in charge of maintaining ILS in Nepal in the future. Seven trainees, after having taken classroom lectures on the operation and control of ILS, visited Japan to get troubleshooting training at Iwanuma Training Center and practical training for operation and maintenance of ILS at Sendai Airport and Tokyo International Airport. In consideration of the ongoing training program in Nepal, which does not cover the troubleshooting training, we intend to include it in the ILS specialized training program in Nepal to be developed from now. Our counterpart will, after return home, establish ILS training course by reference to the cases which they learned during the training in Japan and it will contribute to improve safety of air navigation in Nepal.

Training at Iwanuma Training Center                                                      Troubleshooting training by using

Discussin with instructors                                                                           Courtesy call to DG
