Handicapped Elevator



The Reconstruction of the City Transport System - Improving the convenience of the city transport System

Column "Universal Designing Plan"

Universal Design In recent years a lot has been said about "Universal Design." "Universal Design" is a concept that takes into consideration the needs of all users including the handicapped and the aged from when designing machines, buildings, and living environment, and improvements based on this idea is called "universification". While "barrier free" plan implies "eliminating any obstacles(barrier) that prevent the handicapped from leading a community life", the concept of "Universal Design" talks about "a design that people of any age group and physical ability can be free to use without any hindrance."

Until present the aged and the handicapped have been considered as special cases and categorized as the "Transport Weak." However, as the population ages to 1 senior citizen in every 4 people in 2015 to 1 in 3 in 2050, the need to implement an easy to use transport system is a must. At the same time, we positively consider of constructing easy to use facilities for the elderly, which should provide convenience for anyone else as well.
