Chapter 4. Promotion of Tourism and Recreational Activities

Section 1. Encouraging Tourism

1. Promoting International Tourism
(1) Encouraging Foreign Tourists Visiting Japan
    Based on the International Convention Promotion Law materialized on June 1994, policies for the universal promotion of international conventions are to be implemented. Additionally, much weight is to be given to policies aimed to attract foreigners while reforming the working structure of the Japan National Tourist Organization.
(2) International Exchange and Cooperation
    With the "World Conference of Tourism Mimsters" as the central event, the "Osaka World Tourism Forum '94" was held in November 1994.
    Moreover, efforts are being made to consolidate the "Japan-U.S. Tourism/Exchange Expansion Programme". Preparations are also being made to establish the WTO Asia-Pacific Office (provisional name) in Osaka Prefecture in an early stage.
2. Developing Attractive Tourist Resorts
    The Ministry is enhancing tourism by making the most out of the uniqueness of the locale by utilizing traditional arts of the region and by protecting sightseeing resources. Exquisite tourist resorts are also being created by developing general health resorts, as well as villages exclusively for family vacations, family camping, and international exchange.
3. Encouraging Travel
    A conference, with its agenda to promote "leisurely holidays", was held in April 1994 to popularize extended vacations etc.
    Additionally, measures are under progress to raise the awareness of overseas Japanese tourists with regards to safety and to protect customers against disputes with travel agencies.[Fig.64]

Section 2. Promoting Recreational Activities

1. Implementation the Marine '99 Project
    Based upon the "Marine '99 Project" determined in 1988, passenger vessels and base facilities such as marinas are being constructed, and safety measures reinforced.
2. Enhancing "Sky Sports"
    Measures are employed to ensure the safeness of paragliding, hang-gliding, and balloon flying etc. "Sky leisure" is also being promoted while giving assistance to interest groups including the Japan Aeronautic Association and the Japan Council of the Sky-leisure Promotion Activities.

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