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 10月6日(月)、7日(火)、神奈川県横浜市(ヨコハマグランドインターコンチネンタルホテル)で開催された日米観光交流拡大促進協議会の第3回ワーキンググループにおいて別添のとおり議論を取りまとめ、 プレス公表しましたのでお知らせします。






 横浜において、10月6日(月)、7日(火)に第3回日米観光交流拡大促進協議会ワーキンググループ会合が開催され、日本側 金澤 悟国土交通省総合政策局観光部長と米国側 ダグラス・ベーカー商務省次官補代理をはじめ関係者により、 日米の観光交流促進に関する諸課題について、活発な意見交換が行われた。その結果、両国観光当局で次の通り意見の一致を見た。





2VJC事業を効果的・効率的に実施するため、VJC US Committeeに対し、日本側事業企画案を事前に提示し、米国側意見、或いは、VJC US Committeeからの事業提案を、VJCの事業に可能な限り反映させることとする。そのために必要なVJCに関わる責任ある情報を米国側に提供し、また、米国側のフィードバック、或いは、事業企画を的確に入手するための明確かつ責任あるコミュニケーションチャンネル体制を、米国において、確立するものとする。また、今年度VJC事業の内容については、可能な限り早期に、VJC US Committeeに対し文章等で説明することで両国の認識が一致した。





2米国側より、米国向け日本人旅行者に関する有効な情報を短期間で的確に把握するマーケッティング手法として、「JAPAN Travel Barometer Program」というインターネットを利用した日本指標を構築する計画が報告されるとともに、日本の旅行会社のその有効性が説明され、参加を積極的に提案した。

3第1回ハワイ会合において議論のあった「Fly & Drive」商品の開発に関して、ハーツレンタカーから日本の運転免許証でのレンタルが可能になる新サービスの紹介がなされた。また、「Scenic Byway」の日本語訳完成と活用が提案され、引き続き日米両国で取り組んでいくべきこととなった。





October 7, 2003

Japan side: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and transport
U.S. side : The Department of Commerce

 The Outcome of The 3rd Working Group Meeting of The U.S.-Japan Tourism Export Expansion Initiative

 The 3rd Working Group Meeting of The U.S.-Japan Tourism Export Expansion Initiative was held in Yokohama on October 6 and 7, 2003. The meeting was led by Mr. Douglas Baker, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce and Mr. Satoru Kanazawa, the Director General of the Tourism Department for MLIT. The tourism authorities of the two countries agreed to the following:

(1)General Outcome
In order to increase the tourism exchange between the two countries, the working groups agreed to advance effective measures to promote travel demand and to develop a safe travel environment with the cooperation and partnership of the two countries.

(2)Japan In-Bound, U.S. Out-bound

1Japan proposed a product development, advertising, SIT (special interest tours) tours, support towards promoting products related to visiting Japan as pro-active examples of the Visit Japan Campaign. U.S. raised a plan such as contacting AAA(American Automobile Association), and it was agreed that Japan will consider this proposal.

2It was agreed that the VJC Japan will share plans with the VJC U.S. Committee in advance to effectively implement VJC projects. This is to ensure that relevant parties can provide feedback at appropriate intervals. In order to do this, Japan will provide the critical information relating to VJC, and will establish communication channels to respond to feedback or to receive a project plan from the U.S. side. Also, it was agreed that the VJC Japan will explain this year’s projects in writing to the VJC U.S. Committee as soon as possible.

3The working group discussed the acceptance of overseas credit and ATM cards in Japan. This is an issue of concern which was raised at the 2nd Working Group Meeting in Hakone.

4It was proposed that the VJC website be utilized to provide information about low budget accommodations.

(3)Japan Outboud, U.S. Inbound  

1The U.S. provided a progress report on the appropriation of the U.S. tourism promotion budget. The first meeting of the Travel & Tourism Promotion Advisory Board was held on September 8, 2003. The U.S. Department of Commerce announced that 80% of funding will be allocated to a consumer campaign that will run in Mexico, the UK, Japan and Germany and 20% of funds will be allocated to state, regional and territorial grants that will be used in each market to create travel related products, designed to increase demand. The total amount of funds to be allocated for each market will be decided by the end of October, and a decision to determine the percentage of funds to be dedicated to advertising, public relations, marketing, and other activities will be made by mid-November, and the overall campaign will begin in 2004. It was agreed that both the U.S. and Japan will work on this together.

2The U.S. reported the implementation of a “ Japan Travel Barometer Program” that will be used to gather information about future travel plans by consumers. This is an internet-based survey providing the Japan travel trade the opportunity to provide specific information about consumer travel. The survey will be conducted in Japanese and will be shared with the Japan-side within a short time frame following the collection of information. The U.S. explained the benefits to Japanese Tour Operators/Travel Trade and suggested pro-active involvement.

3Regarding the product development of the “Fly & Drive” that was discussed in the 1st meeting in Hawaii, Hertz Asia Pacific introduced a new service that will translate Japanese drivers licenses for customers` use in the U.S. (only valid at this point if the customer is renting from Hertz).

4Regarding Sister City Exchanges, NYC & Company explored the possibility of hosting a Sister City Summit with various organizations in Japan and the U.S. It was confirmed that NYC & Company will work with CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) to gain the needed support from both the U.S. and Japanese governments.

5The U.S. Consul General explained the new visa application requirements, when a personal appearance by visa applicants was necessary, and future requirements for biometric passports. He further outlined the Embassy`s efforts to expand the locations available for receiving visa applications, and for shortening the visa issuance period. Japan supports these U.S. efforts to improve visa issuance procedures.

(4)Regarding next conference
 The U.S. proposed to conduct the 4th conference at the end of April In the U.S.

 It was agreed that the U.S. DOC and MLIT will cooperate and proceed together toward the contents and outcomes expressed in the Working Group meeting.

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