Ports and Harbours Bureau

2.7 Promotion of Anti-Deterioration Measures for Port and Coastal Facilities

“Measures against aging infrastructure to shift to prevent maintenance-of infrastructure” will be further accelerated and broadened against the continued deterioration of infrastructure, intensively developed after the high-growth period based on the “Five-Year Plan to Accelerate Efforts for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and the Promotion of National Resilience” (Cabinet decision on December, 2020).
Based on the “MLIT’s Plan for Extending Service Life of Infrastructure (Action Plan)” (FY2021 to FY2025), the enhancement and streamlining of infrastructure maintenance will be promoted through new technologies.

2.7.1 Promoting appropriate maintenance of port facilities

In addition to systematic inspections based on the maintenance plan prepared for each of port and its harbor facilities, strategic measures against deterioration of infrastructure will be promoted for reorganizing quays to be more effective by systematically consolidating and removing aging, deteriorated facilities (or those affected by changes in social conditions) and revising specifications based on the preventive maintenance plan prepared at each port.
Furthermore, effective asset management will be implemented by constructing a cyber port (port infrastructure field) for centrally managing infrastructure information. Efficiency and enhancement of maintenance operations will be achieved through use of data and new technologies.

2.7.2  Promoting appropriate maintenance of coastal protection facilities

Focused support will be provided for revising longevity plans (based on the additional provisions of the "Manual on Maintenance and Management for Coastal Protection Structures” (revised in June 2020) and for large-scale anti-deterioration measures.
In addition, the enhancement and streamlining of maintenance and renewal will be promoted using new technologies.
