Ports and Harbours Bureau

2.8 Port Security Measures

2.8.1 Objective

The port managing body of international port facilities is responsible for providing in-house security measures based on the “Act on Assurance of Security of International Ships and Port Facility " (enacted on April 7, 2004), which is the domestic collateral law for the SOLAS Convention.

2.8.2 Access control

(1) Three-point confirmation (identity verification, affiliation and purpose of entry) at the gate required from July 1, 2014.
(2) The introduction of the “Access Control Information System" has been promoted to ensure smooth three-point confirmations, and the government issues a nationwide IC card (PS: Port Security Card) with advanced anti-counterfeiting measures to use this system.
(3) The system has been introduced at 57 terminals at 13 ports at present, and the PS card usage rate of truck drivers at the gate is about 95% on a national average (as of October 2021).
