Ports and Harbours Bureau

2.10 Technical Standards for Port and Harbour Facilities

(1) Technical standards for port and harbor facilities

The technical standards for port and harbor facilities (hereinafter referred to as "technical standards") are provided based on Article 56-2-2 of the Port and Harbor Act, and are applied as standards for constructing, improving and maintaining port and harbor facilities.

The “Ministerial Order for the Technical Standards for Port and Harbour Facilities” stipulates the performance requirements of a facility for achieving its purpose (hereinafter referred to as the “performance requirements”) and the “Notification to Specify the Descriptive Details of Standards for Port and Harbour Facilities,” which provides the requirements for compliance with the relevant ministerial ordinance, stipulates the regulations that specifically describe the performance requirements (hereinafter referred to as “performance regulations”) so that performance verification can be accomplished. If it is confirmed that the performance requirements have been achieved and performance regulations satisfied, new design methods, materials, construction methods, etc. can be used. In this regard, the system is designed to flexibly respond to technological developments.


(2) Facilities subject to technical standards

The facilities that are obliged to comply with the technical standards (facilities subject to technical standards) are as follows:

