Press Release

Ratification of the “Maritime Labour Convention, 2006” by Japan


       On August 5 (same date local time), the Government of Japan deposited its instrument of ratification of the “Maritime Labour Convention, 2006” with the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland.
       This Convention sorts out and clarifies existing international labor standards of seafarers in areas such as minimum requirements concerning wages, age, etc., employment, accommodation and recreational facilities, health protection, medical care, welfare, and social security protection. It also stipulates measures such as inspection to be taken by a port State for the purpose of enhancing effectiveness of the Convention.
       Please see the attached document if you need more information on this article.

Contact Information

Seafarers Division,Maritime Bureau, MLIT Tanaka, Seta
TEL (03)5253-8111 (Extension 45102,45123) Direct Phone 03-5253-8647 FAX 03-5253-1643
