Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
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Policy Bureau
General Principles of Universal Design Policy
II.Basic concept of the general principles of universal design policy

II.Basic concept of the general principles of universal design policy

  The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport will, as stipulated by the concept of universal design that means design of facilities that are "easily and freely used anywhere, by anyone", implement policies in line with the following concepts in order to realize the ideal of providing and improving living environments and interconnected travel environments through both physical and non-physical measures, in order that regardless of their physical condition, age, or nationality etc., the character and individuality of all people will, to the greatest degree possible, be respected, enabling them to participate freely in society and enjoy exciting, safe, and abundant lives.

1. Constructing a participation society from the perspective of users

  Future policies must be implemented from the perspective of users with their focal point on users.

(1)  Diverse participation by users, residents, NPO etc.
    In order to take measures that consider the use of facilities by a wide range people, it is important to seek the participation of users, residents, and NPO and many other concerned parties at every stage beginning at the hypothesis stage through facility construction and extending to its operation and maintenance in order to reflect their needs in the policies.
(2)  Taking continuous staged measures (introduction of the spiral up approach)
    To realize the ideal of creating a society in which all people can exercise their individuality and unique abilities and participate freely in society to achieve self-actualization, it is essential to implement policies by establishing a staged and continuous implementation process and working to continuously achieve a more universal social environment from diverse perspectives (spiral up).
(3)  Strengthening links and cooperation between concerned people of all kinds
    To satisfy the needs of a variety of users, diverse concerned parties must join forces and act cooperatively, but because there are cases where, because of a lack of conciliation of different opinions and the sharing of the cost burden, links are inadequate, an environment in which concerned parties can join forces and work cooperatively while appropriately sharing responsibilities must be established.
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