Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
 Drafting of Seventh Five-Year Airport Development Plan
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1. Purpose of the Plan

 As Japan moves into the 21st century, projections are that economic, cultural, society and other activities involving the lifestyles of the Japanese people will come to be advanced through brisker and more numerous exchanges with other countries than ever before. As this age steadily emerges, there will be a dramatic increase in the significance of aviation as one of the most effective means of supporting smooth exchanges of people and commodities. A critical theme in the quest for Japan to continue to achieve stable economic and social development from here on as well, while at the same time maintaining its position in the international community, will be to promote the timely development of airports capable of responding to aviation demand. This will be especially true of the international hub airports and focal domestic airports needed to serve as the strategic bases in the overall network, requiring every possible effort to ensure that the airports themselves do not emerge as the bottlenecks in this evolution. With regard to Japan's vision for airport development, plans have been systematically developed over the years to date. However, with the current "Sixth Five-Year Airport Development Plan" concluding in fiscal 1995, the "Seventh Five-Year Airport Development Plan" (with fiscal 1996 as the initial year) has been drafted to carry on this systematic and steady development of airports in Japan.

2. Plan Term and Business Scale

Plan TermFiscal 1996-2000
Business ScaleTotal3.6 trillion yen
Airport development works2.826 trillion yen
Works financed by private sector574 billion yen
Adjustment works expenses200 billion yen

3. Basic Policy of the Plan

Airport Development

Major Metropolis Hub Airport Development

 Development of hub airports in major metropolitan areas, which will serve as the key bases in the formation of Japan's aviation network, will be promoted as the top priority theme. Specifically, development of the Narita New Tokyo International Airport and the Tokyo International Airport Offshore Development Project will continue to be advanced, while of the overall concept of Kansai International Airport the second phase works will be commenced from the method of joint project management by the local governments and semi-public corporations. With regard to the Chubu New International Airport, a comprehensive investigative study will be advanced, with active efforts made to promote the project. For the Greater Tokyo New Airport, a comprehensive investigative study will be advanced in the quest to start up the project.

Development Regional Base Airports,Local Airports, etc.

  With regard to regional base airports, development will be advanced with the aim of the formation and strengthening of an international network with the focus on short- and medium-range international routes, and a domestic network. With regard to the construction of new local airports and the lengthening of their runways, development will be promoted with the focus on ongoing projects, while in addition to this the quality of existing airports will be improved on the basis of responding to demand trends.

Airport Vicinity Environmental Countermeasure Promotion

Development will be advanced to achieve harmony between the airports and the surrounding regions, in promoting environmental countermeasures in the general vicinity.

Aviation Safety Facility Development

 Development of aviation safety facilities will be promoted with the focus on next-generation aviation safety systems, working to respond to the increasing volume and diversity of aviation traffic through the enhancement of effective use of air space and other measures aimed at expanding aviation traffic volume capacity.

Earthquake Countermeasure Promotion

  Based on the experiences accumulated from the Great Hanshin Earthquake, development will be promoted from the perspective of maintaining the appropriate functions at the time that such disasters occur.

4.Upcoming Schedule

 With regard to the specific content of the plan, the schedule from here on calls for close consideration of the opinions of the Aviation Council, finalizing the details through coordination with the concerned government offices, and reaching a decision by the Cabinet on the New Five-Year Airport Development Plan at the earliest possible point in time.

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