Chapter 2. The Changing World Community and Transportation

Section 1. Improving and Expanding International Transport Services

    As for aerial transportation, much energy was poured into aerial negotiations preparing for the opening of Kansai International Airport in September 1994. In the field of maritime transportation, under which policies have been founded upon the the principle of freedom of shipping, activities within international organizations are being undertaken, while bilateral shipping policies are currently being adjusted.

Section 2. Directions of Transport Administration to Deal with International Economic Problems

(Bilateral Relations)
    In Japan-U.S. relations, the Ministry of Transport strove to respond correctly at negotiation tables of the Japan-U.S. Framework for a New Economic Partnership and the Japan-U. S. Construction Talks.
    However, at the Japan-U.S. Framework for a N.E.P., an agreement is yet to be reached in the field of automobile parts for repair, the area of automobiles/automobile parts is subject to negotiation.
    Other than the above mentioned, the EU-Japan transport Talk took place, where the EU was one of the participants.
(Multilateral Relations)
    The Ministry of Transport endeavored to make unerring responses at GATT Uruguay Round and negotiations on the Shipbuilding agreement at OECD. Moreover, the Ministry is currently pushing to make a contribution in the field of transport and tourism towards the Asia/Pacific region through APEC.

Section 3. Contribution to the International Community

1. Encouraging International Cooperation
    The Ministry of Transport is passionately engaged in promoting international cooperation in the field of transport to boost economic growth and the standards of living in developing countries. [Fig.62]
2. Enhancing Policies for Shipping Safety
    The Ministry of Transport is employing measures to ensure the safety of tankers and to enforce safe navigations though the Strait of Malacca and Singapore.
3. International Cooperation in Science and Technology
    The Ministry of Transport practices transnational cooperation the field of science and technology with 16 countries, and is engaged in 112 projects in various fields of transportation.

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