Home >> National and Regional Planning Bureau >> The Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations >> Reports >> Resolution on the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations
May 18, 2000
The Special Committee of the House of Representatives for the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations resolves the following:
The Prime Minister has presented to the Diet in December 1999 the report submitted by the Council for the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations. The Diet is expected to take the report seriously, deliberate on the future of our country from a broader perspective, and come immediately to an appropriate conclusion, which would withstand possible domestic and international critical views.
The relocation of the Diet and other organizations is an extremely important issue that would profoundly impact the nation’s future and significantly influence the very nature of the nation’s policy and administration. It would also be a historically large project that should be planned from a long-term perspective of over centuries.
The government has stated at this Committee that it expects the Diet to come immediately to a conclusion on the relocation of the Diet and other organizations and would provide its cooperation to the Diet actively to that end.
Responding to these expectations, the Diet has an important mission to first select one out of the three currently proposed candidate areas and then deliberate on the relocation based on social and economic considerations and in comparison with Tokyo, in accordance with the spirit of the Act for the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations. Given the above, the Committee should expeditiously conduct deliberations, based on the Council report, to select relocation area(s) and come to a conclusion on this issue within approximately two years, getting collaboration from the government and other parties concerned and listening to a wide range of public opinion.