Home >> National and Regional Planning Bureau >> The Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations >> Reports >> Resolution on the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations
November 7, 1990
The House of Representatives and the House of Councillors resolve the following:
Our country has significantly modernized since the Meiji era, recovered from the devastation of the Second World War and created our present prosperity. The future challenges for our country are to create a society in which people equally enjoy affluence; develop friendly relationships with people across the world; and contribute to the international community.
Moreover, as a result of the concentration of core functions including politics, economy and culture in the capital Tokyo, we face a number of problems such as overpopulation, an extraordinary jump in land prices, lack of a comfortable living environment, and the risk of paralyzing urban functions in the event of disaster along with the stagnation of local economy and the expansion of depopulated areas.
The Diet and government functions should be relocated in order to eliminate excessive concentration in Tokyo as a fundamental countermeasure of rectifying the bias in overall national land use and establish political and administrative functions that would be more appropriate for the 21st century.
The government should endeavor to implement this relocation, respecting the views of the above Houses.