Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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Current logistics circumstances in China(Report No.112)


This research aims to investigate current Chinese regulatory and taxation system for logistics in order to support improving logistics environment between Japan and China, where Japanese logistics companies have been expanding their business. Methods of the research include literature review as well as interviews from Japanese logistics companies which have started their business in China.

Key findings of the research are as follows;

・Many regulatory disparities between Chinese and foreign companies are diminishing.
・There is virtually a restriction of foreign investment in the aviation forwarder business. There is also a possibility that a deposits system for overseas shipping forwarder business is weighted in favor of Chinese companies.
・Many regulatory problems in Chinese logistics come from unclarity and uncertainty in enforcement of those regulations. Clear and fair enforcement is of course desirable, but meanwhile, it may be beneficial for Japanese companies to learn from successful self-protect measures by others; good partnership with Chinese companies sometimes help Japanese companies to act effectively in the market, some companies successfully appeal Japanese logistics techniques and know-how whose quality are higher than Chinese companies.
・Chinese government has tackled some of the regulatory enforcement problems. It is desired for these to progress smoothly.


Expansion of Japanese logistics companies, China, Systems of Logistics


March 2014

