Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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A study of the utilization of BigData in the field in conjunction with Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Tourism
iReport No.135j


Along with increase in the volume of information, value creation by data utilization is implemented in the public sectors, and similarly if administration implements value creation by data utilization, increase of social welfare would be expected.
Based on the information obtained from big data, the research was conductedover two years of 2014 to 2015, with the main purposes that examines what the possible action in administration is and examines what the maintenance of informational environment needed in administration to strengthen industrial competitiveness is.
A rule and a law, cooperation between the industries or the supportive measures are demanded to utilize information as strategic resources still more and compiled a proposal of that purposes.


BigData, strategic resources, Data Driven Society


Jun 2017

