Ports and Harbours in Japan
index 2. Port Development and Management system Appendix

1. General

1.8. Management and Operation of Container Terminals in Japan

1.8.2. Current Issues

(1) Funded by loans, the terminal corporation system incurs higher costs than public works projects.

(2) Pubic works projects are needed to serve an unspecified number of multiple users, which makes it more difficult for these types of projects to increase efficiency through a specialized system than for terminal corporations that lease exclusive rights to facilities.

In order to resolve these issues, the proportion of public works development within the terminal corporation system has been increased; a "new system" that decreases costs has been introduced; and the berths under the system are now being constructed.

In addition, the PFI (Private Finance Initiative) system, which seeks to lower overall costs by allowing for private participation from the construction phase and utilizing the expertise of private companies, has also been introduced.
