Ports and Harbours in Japan

1. General
1.1. Overview
1.2. Location of Ports and Harbors in Japan
1.3. Roles of Ports and Harbors
1.4. Development and Administration of Ports and Harbors
1.5. Cargo Volume
1.6. Worldwide Container Handling Rankings
1.7. Foreign Container Volume at Japanese Ports
1.8. Management and Operation of Container Terminals in Japan
1.8.1. Containerization in Japan
1.8.2. Current Issues
1.8.3. Overview of Container Development and Operation Systems

2. Port Development and Management system
2.1. Overview
2.1.1. Port and Harbor Law
2.1.2. Council for Ports and Harbors
2.2. Roles of National Government, Port Management Body, Private Sector and Users
2.3. Port and Harbor Development System
2.3.1. Overview
2.3.2. Port Planning
2.3.3. Development of Port Facilities
2.3.4. Environmental Issue
2.4. Port Management System
2.4.1. Overview
2.4.2. Port Management Bodies
2.4.3. "Ports and harbors" Subject to Port Management
2.4.4. Port Management Bodies' Functions and Duties
2.4.5. Systematic Framework for Port Management and Administration
2.4.6. Financing of Port Management Bodies
2.4.7. Private Wharves
2.5. Container Terminal Management and Operation
2.5.1. Overview
2.5.2. Japanese Response to Containerization
2.5.3. New Container Terminal Development, Management and Operation
2.5.4. Management and Operation of Container Terminals in Major World Ports
2.6. Recent Topics in Japanese Ports and Harbors
2.6.1. Positioning of Port and Harbor Related Measures among Measures Promoted by the Japanese Government
2.6.2. New systems
2.6.3. Port Information System: Port and Harbor Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)
2.6.4. Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake and Earthquake Resistant Port Facilities

1. Port Development in Relation to Economic Growth
2. summary of the port and Harbor Low
3. Summary of Technological Standards for Port Facilities