Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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 ● About PRILIT 

Message from the President

Japan is now facing historic structural changes at home and abroad. Rapid changes in socio-economic conditions, such as the critical decline in the birthrate and the aging of society, climate change and disasters on a global scale, energy and food issues, and increasingly complex international situations, are rapidly becoming apparent and presenting various challenges. Meanwhile, as ICT technology becomes an essential tool for work and daily life, the implementation and acceleration of AI is said to significantly change the future.
Under these circumstances, the administration of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism, which is deeply involved in each and every citizen life, is expected to play an even stronger role in ensuring safety and security, creating a prosperous and comfortable national land and region, and leading the way in raising Japan's productivity and growth potential at an accelerated pace.

Since its establishment in 2001, the Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (PRILIT), as an in-house think tank of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), has been engaged in research activities to support the planning and implementation of MLIT policies.
The results of our research are not only utilized in the planning and formulation of MLIT policies but are also made widely available to the general public and those who are interested in the field, through publishing research reports and annual “PRI Review”, organizing the research presentation each fiscal year and lectures on key issues from time to time, and making presentations at various academic conferences and meetings held by universities, research institutions and so on.

The Institute, while using its internal and external knowledge, conducts research and studies that respond to critical issues of the day, based on an objective understanding and analysis of changes in socio-economic conditions. And its findings are intended to lead to new policy developments.

In conducting our research and surveys, we believe it is necessary to obtain cooperation of local governments, universities, research institutions, and related organizations and businesses, while making use of our accumulated experience. We will also collaborate with international organizations and promote our research with external human resources, not only those from the government, but also from academic research institutes and related organizations.

We will continue to strive to conduct effective and efficient surveys and research.

We look forward to your continued understanding and support.

July 2024
Yoshida Kozo
Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism