Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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Study on the method of strengthening disaster prevention power by mutual assistance with a condominium association,the neighborhood association and others.(Report No.123)

Executive Summary

Mutual assistance in local community is said to contribute largely to disaster mitigation in times of massive natural disaster. In many cases, condominiums especially increasing in urban areas possess the factors that can contribute to the local community in times of disaster: strong building structure, shared common facilities, building management human resources and associations, etc. In the Great East Japan Earthquake, cases were reported in which these condominiums contributed as emergency evacuation centers and the like for local residents.

Chapter 1: Overview of this research
Under the above mentioned background, this study focuses on the idea that establishing a pre-disaster mutual assisting relationship between condominiums and the local community, which enables the provision of evacuation and relief supplies in times of disaster, will lead to the development of a disaster-resilient community. This research examines the present situation of mutual assistance between condominiums and the local community as well as the disaster prevention initiatives of relevant agents. Furthermore, in addition to the present issues and tasks, the measures for enhancing community disaster prevention capability are investigated.

Chapter 2: Awareness and initiatives of condominium and neighborhood associations on community disaster prevention
In chapter 2, through a questionnaire survey of condominium and neighborhood associations on community disaster prevention measures and cooperation between condominiums and the local community, present situation and awareness of community disaster prevention are studied.

Chapter 3: Awareness and initiatives of condominium management firms on community disaster prevention
In chapter 3, through a questionnaire survey of condominium management firms on disaster prevention measures and cooperation between condominiums and the local community regarding condominium management, present situation and awareness of community disaster prevention are studied from a condominium management perspective.

Chapter 4: Awareness and initiatives of condominium developers on community disaster prevention
In chapter 4, through a survey of condominium developers on disaster prevention measures and cooperation between condominiums and the local community regarding condominium development and renovation, present situation and awareness of community disaster prevention are studied from a condominium planning and development perspective.

Chapter 5: Compilation of advanced community disaster prevention case studies list
In chapter 5, advanced and distinctive community disaster prevention initiatives are extracted from case studies of disaster prevention initiatives carried out by condominiums and the local community and cooperative disaster prevention initiatives, as well as the case study of administrational support towards such initiatives, in Japan. Basic information and relevant agents in local disaster prevention, as well as the overview and background of the initiatives are organized into a case study list.

Chapter 6: Issues on cooperation and mutual assistance between condominiums and the local community
In chapter 6, “issues on mutual assistance between condominiums and the local community” from respective agent’s perspective are analyzed from the findings of the research described in chapter 2 through chapter 5.

Chapter 7: Measures for enhancing community disaster prevention capability
In chapter 7, especially the physical measures such as facilities and equipment to enhance community disaster prevention capability are discussed against issues derived from this study, through examination of tasks to be fulfilled, and taking into account the basic idea of what mutual assistance between condominiums and the local community should be.


Natural Disaster, Condominium, Local Community, Community Disaster Prevention Capability, Cooperation, Mutual Assistance, Disaster Mitigation


March 2015

