Policy Research Institute for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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A study on evaluation of the service level of local public transport(interim report)(Report No.129)


In Japan, passenger demand for public transport has been decreasing, and many transport operators are forced to downsize or discontinue their services, mainly in the regional areas. Against such challenge, establishing a system to evaluate transport services with objective criteria, and making continuous improvement of service quality, may lead to the improvement of customer satisfaction and the increase of passengers, and eventually may lead to the improvement of profitability of the public transport.

In European cities, there is a system to evaluate the transport service of private operators according to the criteria defined in the contract, and to make improvements accordingly, in reference to the EU guideline, etc.

Based on such background, in order to “visualize” the service level of public transport in Japan, this research examines items, criteria and measurement methodologies for evaluating the service level of public transport, through case studies of European countries.


local public transport, evaluate the service, EN13816, France, Germany, Great Britain


Augst 2015

