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Research on the bicycle use in city traffic


The 1st chapter refers to the present state of bicycles, as the basis of this research. We have pointed out that the share of cars as a means of transportation is high, even for a short distance in Japanese urban areas. This tendency is high in the provincial cities, And even in the metropolitan areas where traffic jams occur frequently, the ratio of cars are still high. And the tendency to depend on cars is increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say the bicycle does not emit CO2 and is environmentally friendly as compared to cars. We have therefore referred to and consolidated these characteristics of the bicycle, and the problems of the past measures. In consequence, we gain suggestions as to how to effectively substitute cars with bicycles.

Moreover, in this research we studied the expected merits of using bicycles from the view point that has not been argued so far. In the past these merits tended to be centered on those the society accepts, such as the reduction of burden on the global environment, pollution control etc. But in this research we have described the effectiveness and necessity of organizing the merits from a broader perspective, not only from society but also from the bicycle rider, as an individual, and also reflecting on those past measures such as facilities improvement and others.
In chapter 2 we have augmented these merits (the expected merits of bicycle use), especially the merits for the bicycle user themselves, a point that has not been argued so far. Improving health, economical and time saving for short and medium distance range have been referred to and comparatively argued.

In chapter 3 there are many measures and suggestions centered on the soft measures and of course the hard measures up to now for the utilization and problems for promoting the use of bicycles. Arguments put forward in Japan and abroad have been referred to simultaneously.
The most important thing while promoting the use of bicycle is, as to what category bicycles should be in. That is weather it should be a supplementary means of movement or an important means of transport in the city, the decision has to be made.
In Europe and USA the category of bicycle is clearly higher, the bicycle is considered a means of transport. In Japan, as to weather the bicycle should be ridded on the road or on the pavement, the bicycle has a vague category in the Traffic law, and the environment surrounding the bicycle is not clear. These became important aspects to examine for the ideal way to use bicycles in the future.

In this thesis, the measures concerning space limitations for establishing facilities have to been put forward. If the argument chiefly relies on hard measures as establishments, there are limitations in advancing the promotion of bicycle use. On the other hand the soft measures do not require large financing, but does not help the basic measures.
The bicycle as a part of city traffic has enough faculty, but it is thought for the promotion of bicycle use measure to be effective both soft and the hard measures have to be simultaneously effected.

Further, in categorizing bicycle as a part of city traffic and to bring it into effective use, it will be useful to pay attention to the points below.
For one thing, as mentioned previously, the decision concerning the categorization of the bicycle is an important element, to gain consideration and recognition from the administration it is important to find a way to improve their understanding.
At present, considering the problem of abandoned bicycle, bicycles seem to be considered a nuisance. To move toward developing an effective measure it is needless to say it is important to examine the understanding of the administration and the citizens.
In one hand, as mentioned above, about the categorization of the bicycle, it should be categorized clearly as a means of transport in the composite traffic system.
In Japan, especially in the centers of cities, the public transportation is a highly maintained organized net work; even in the provincial cities the role played by public transportation, including LRT and public buses, etc is not low. The public transportation, cars, bicycles, etc should be appropriately balanced against each other. It is also important to examine the over all traffic system from now on with the view of further strengthening the co-operation.
In the end, the secondary effects of correct bicycle use should be anticipated. For the assessment of traffic planning, it is important to examine not only the traffic system, but also land use system, residential areas, commuting routs and school routs, etc. The bicycle is the effective tool for building "Compact City"in a aging society. It is hoped that the use of bicycles would synergy with the building of "Compact City"for example contribute to inner city tourism, etc.

Key words

promotion of bicycle use, global environment, prevention of global warming, traffic jam, abandoned bicycle, traffic safety


Reports No.58/2005 Nov.


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