
Historical legacies

Soma Fukushima Road

Experience the Technological Splendor of a Large Bridge That Straddles the Tohoku Shinkansen Tracks

〜Soma Fukushima Road Kori Bridge〜

Work on the section of National Road 115 known as the Soma Fukushima Road is underway as part of a recovery support road after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Soma Fukushima Road is a 45 km section of road connecting Soma and Kori in Fukushima Prefecture.

You can view the construction of the Kori bridge (tentative name), which straddles the Tohoku Shinkansen tracks at a height of 30 m and is the longest extension to the road. Construction of its cutting-edge embankments make good use of drones. In fiscal 2017, approximately 1,000 visitors came to look at the construction. Why not come and experience that technological splendor of a constantly changing site that presages a bright future.

Direct your inquiries as follows:

Fukushima River and National Highway Office
google map
TEL: 024-546-4331
HP: http://www.thr.mlit.go.jp/fukushima/