Construction Statistics Guidebook
Construction Research and Statistics Office
Policy Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Table of Contents
Chapter1 Construction in General
  1. Estimate of Construction Investment
  2. Quick Estimate of Construction Investment
  3. Statistics on Construction Undertaken
Chapter2 Building Construction Work
  1. Building Starts
  2. Building Loss Statistics Survey
  3. (Related statistics)Housing and Land Survey
Chapter3 Construction Work
  1. Cuurent Survey on Orders Received for Construction
Chapter 4 Construction Labor and Materials
  1. Survey on Actual Conditions of Construction Materials and Labor (Survey on Actual Units)
  2. Survey on Supply and Demand of Construction Materials and Trend on Prices (Monitor Survey on Construction Materials)
  3. Survey on Supply and Demand of Construction Labor (Monitor Survey on Labor)
Chapter 5 Construction Prices
  1. Construction Cost Deflator
Chapter 6 Other
  1. Survey on Construction-Related Businesses
  2. Survey on Actual Conditions of Construction Business Activities
  3. Input-Output Tables of Subdivided Construction Sectors