Policy for Future Construction of the Kansai Science City (Report)
- Second Stage Plan -

Text (3. Evaluation of the Current State of the Kansai Science City)

3. Evaluation of the Current State of the Kansai Science City

Ever since the enactment of the Kansai Science City Construction Act (1987), the construction of this study has proceeded at a rapid pace. Together with the construction of Culture and Scientific Research Districts, the locations for the research institutes and other facilities have proceeded so that as of 1993, city construction has generally proceeded favorably, including the development of core facilities in the form of the International Institute for Advanced Studies, the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, and the Keihanna Interaction Plaza. This development has proceeded to such an extent that it gives the impression of being a world apart from the initial phase of construction. Although construction of the city has proceeded smoothly due to the efforts of all persons concerned, when looking at the present situation in reflection of the initial concept of the city, there are lofty hurdles to be overcome due to the lofty nature of those ideals, and there are many issues that remain to be solved during the second stage of this construction.

3-1 Present State of Community Creation
(1) City Development Status

Operations have begun on ten of the twelve (cluster) Culture and Scientific Research Districts (2,023 of 3,300 hectares) since the enactment of the above promotion act to the present. At present, construction has been completed or started (almost completed) on a total of 928 hectares, and approximately 44,000 people are residing in those districts, corresponding to about one-fourth of the planned population (roughly 180,000). On the other hand, however, construction of various functions and a transportation network that support the lives of residents and the activities of researchers, and the construction of commercial districts in front of train stations and other Peripheral Areas still have various problems to be solved due to the difficulty of preceding construction.

1) Cluster-Type Development

Although construction of the city is proceeding in a stepwise manner in line with a cluster-type of development concept in which a group of small cities are organically connected in a network, city creation that takes advantages of the merits of cluster-type development, such as harmony between cluster individuality and the natural environment, has yet to be realized. In addition, the shortcoming of a lack of a unified image is also unable to be overcome.

2) Formation of a City Center

The formation of a city center for establishing the framework of the city and ensuring urban convenience has yet to be realized. Although the construction of the city is only partially completed, the lively activity of a city and urban appeal is still inadequate at the present time.

3) Construction and Preservation of Peripheral Areas

The construction of existing urban areas surrounding the cluster and efforts to preservation and active utilization of Peripheral Areas and the natural environment accompanying the progress of cluster construction cannot be said to be adequate.

(2) Construction Status of Transportation Infrastructure

A wide-area transportation network (including railroads and wide-area principal roads) that connects the city with major cities and the Kansai International Airport, on which construction will proceed as an international hub airport, is insufficient.

Although construction of a principal road network within the city has proceeded in sequential fashion in line with the progress of development, it has not necessarily reached an adequate level with respect to the various activities already conducted in the city. In addition, the construction of public transportation facilities within the city is inadequate, including a delay in the development of bus routes that connect the clusters with major train stations.

(3) Construction Status of Various Functions Supporting Living and Research Activities

1) Residential Functions

Although the supply of residences for the city is proceeding based on the respective plans of each builder, a housing plan for the entire city does not exist. As a result, efforts regarding housing, the most basic condition for city life, cannot be said to necessarily be adequate. In addition, with respect to the creation of a living environment as well, although various efforts have been deployed enthusiastically in each cluster, there is the problem of the formation of urban areas being uniform and homogeneous.

2) Living Convenience Facilities

As the construction of clusters and establishment of sites for housing and research institutes proceed, there is a growing need for the providing of service functions that support the lives of residents and the research and exchange activities of researchers (examples of which include health care, public health, welfare, commercial, cultural, recreational, education and research services).

(4) Status of Efforts as a Pilot Model City

In its capacity as a pilot model city, this science city will not only simply integrate universities, research institutes and other facilities, but also is intended to lead the way as a city of the 21st century by providing a strong link between cultural and scientific research activities, industry and the lives of residents by taking advantage of those results. Although the next-generation communication network experimental project has been evaluated as the germination towards this type of experimental and pioneering city creation, experimental efforts and community creation suitable for a pilot model city that accommodate human issues such as global environmental problems and the growing number of elderly in society cannot be said to be adequately implemented.

(5) Status of Planning and Adjustment Functions Relating to Community Creation

In this city covering three prefectures, five cities and three towns, although the promotion of projects and formation of agreement among related institutions has been thus far primarily carried out by the Foundation of the Kansai Research Institute, under the present circumstances, wide-area efforts for mutual adjustment among local government bodies and city construction are inadequate, and efforts toward the establishment of unification and integration as a city have not always been sufficient.

3-2 Status of Cultural and Scientific Research Activities

(1) Cultural Fields

With respect to cultural fields, the preservation project for the Heijo Palace site relating to cultural assets is progressing, and the decision to begin work on the Kansai Annex of the National Diet Library and Work Experience Plaza represent significant advances. In addition, a diverse range of local cultural activities are being fostered that are staged at the Sumitomo Hall and other locations. However, in terms of contributing to the creation of culture, the construction of cultural facilities is not adequate and there are expectations for further enhancement.

In addition, with respect to the creation of communities rich in culture, together with a delay in the construction of personal culture facilities, the viewpoint of taking advantage of the rich cultural and historical stockpile has not necessarily been sufficient.

(2) Scientific Research Fields

Although research activities are demonstrating rapid deployment, including the commencement of activities at the International Institute for Advanced Studies and Nara Institute of Science and Technology, which were proposed as core organizations in the initial concept, and at more than 50 existing scientific research institutions, these have finally just gotten underway, and further enhancement is anticipated in the future. With respect to interdisciplinary research towards the resolution of human issues in particular, with the exception of several research projects being dealt with at the International Institute for Advanced Studies, only a very small amount of that research has reached a concrete stage.

On the other hand, at facilities including the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR) and Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), although new seeds for industry are being developed, core facilities to serve as the brain of these activities are still insufficient in quantity, and activities leading to the creation of new industries are not being sufficiently deployed.

(3) Information Transmission and Exchange

Although subject to a severe management environment, a diverse range of research exchange activities are being conducted led primarily by Keihanna Interaction Plaza Incorporated, the International Institute for Advanced Studies and the supporting foundation of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. In addition, research activities having an international scope and the holding of international conferences have begun to be conducted throughout the entire city. However, in order to deploy full-scale activities centering on the Kinki Research Complex along with international exchange activities, research results to be transmitted, an exchange infrastructure, expertise and the accumulation of regional appeal and so forth remain inadequate.

# Information:
For detailed information and comments, please contact:
Kansai Science City Construction Promotion Office
Metropolitan Areas Development Division
City and Regional Development Bureau
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
at TEL: +81-3-5253-8111 (ext. 32-383) , FAX +81-3-5253-1587

Report Contents
1. Introduction
2. Current Trends and Concept of the Kansai Science City
3. Evaluation of the Current State of the Kansai Science City
4. Direction of Efforts for the Second Stage
5. Organizations and Policies Involved in Community Creation
6. Conclusion

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