Chapter 9 Efforts Towards Expansion of the Air Network

1. Promotion of Airport Development

  (1) Sixth 5-Year Airport Facilities Development
    In March 1991 Cabinet approval was given for the size of investments of 3 trillion 190 billion yen an increase of 66%, over the figure for the previous year for investment for the Sixth 5-Year Airport Development Plan. At the end of November the Cabinet accepted recommendation by the Council for Civil Aviartion and decided on the sixth 5-Year Airport Development Plan.
    The plan recommends prioritizing the three major airport projects presently being carried out, the extension of runway length in general airports and the construction of new facilities required to expand the domestic and international air network.
  (2) Three Major Airport Construction Projects
    Operation at the New Tokyo International Airport (Navita Airport) has been steady since the Airport opened. Capacity of its furction is limited, however, and early completion and use of the second stage of the facilities requires to be dealt with urgently. Efforts are being increased to resolve debate about the largest problem affecting construction - prior government land acquisition of the airport site - through means including the Symposium for Problems Affecting Narita Airport. Countermeasures are being resolutely and firmly implemented, and these also include a government order which was handed down prohibiting extremist faction from using huts in the area surrounding the Airport.
    The offshore expansion of Tokyo International Airport are being enthusiastically pursued.
    Completion of the Stage Two Plan (Extensions to the West Terminal) is scheduled for the summer of 1993 and completion of the Stage Three Plan (New B and C runways and extensions to the East Terminal) is scheduled for some time in 1995.
    Construction of the Kansai International Airport is progressing steadily, aiming for completion by the summer of 1994. The overall plan of the airport will be designed in line with the views expressed an interim report compiled by the Council for Civil Aviation concerning with Sixth 5-Year Airport Revelopment Plan.
  (3) General Airport Construction
    In FY1991 a large number of new airport construction projects were commenced, including the construction of a new runway at the Asahikawa airport and new airport facilities at the Shin-Miramidaito Airport. Work on runway extensions and the construction of new runways were carried out at 23 airports.
    In order to be able to handle further increases in demand in airports in the future, the construction of facilities with jet-handling capacity needs to be carried out along with increasing the scale in general airports and the construction of terminals in regional airports.

2. Expanding Air Services

  (1) Development of Japanese Air Transport
  @Present Conditions in Japanese Air Transport
    Domestic passenger transport performance continued favorably in FY1990, and user figures reached 65 million 250 thousand (increase of 8.5% over the previous year). International passenger transport performance, on the other hand, was strongly affected by a major drop in passengers influenced by the Persian Gulf War, and recorded a minimal increase to 31 million 40 thousand (increase of 3.6% over the previous year).
  A Policy for Active Promotion of Competition
    A basic approach will be taken for realizing safe transport in Japan, in line with the views expressed in the recommendation by the Council for Transport Policy presented in 1986 and in June 1991. At the same time, a policy of competition among airlines is being used to raise the standard of user convenience - double and triple tracking on domestic routes is being actively promoted, along with international service route operations by plural airlines.
  B Air Fares
    Users feel that domestic air transport is unfairly priced - prices vary according to route, and according to normal or group travel. To rectify the price differences from April 1990, new discount air fares were introduced and expanded. From June 1, 1990, air fares were reduced on 27 domestic routes, based on the Report from the Air Fares Problem Council (December 1989).
  (2) Implementation of the "New International Airport" Policy
    Many changes are underway in the international air transport environment -enormous increases are being experienced in international air transport demand, and an intensification of competition is predicted between companies in the international air transport market. Measures are being implemented based on the recommendation by Counul for Transport Policy "Concerning Policies Required for International Air Travel Now and in the Future" (June 1991).
    New international air fare policies include the establishment of a new economy class fare and the introduction of zoning for special seasonal fares. A flight consignment system is operating to distribute supply capacity and improving efficiency by sharing. The internationalization of regional airports and increases in international charter flights are elements of a policy for establishing international airports within close proximity throughout Japan. (Fig50)

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