1 Realizing a More Affluent Life Transport

    Transport, which supports the daily activities of citizens in their journeys to and fro home and working place, school etc., is expected to provide a service of high quality through the further upgrading of the transportation system so as to enable each and every citizen to enjoy true affluence.
    Users are also expected to become more adept at making use of transportation services by standardizing the fluctuation of the demand and making use of large-scale transportation facilities such as railways.

2 New Developments in Government Transportation Policies Aiming at Enriching Life

(1) Lessening the Crowding during Rush-Hours
    Overcrowding at rush-hours is one of the biggest dissatisfactions, to solaried men in the greater metropolitan area therefore an increase in transportation capability and the furthering of staggered commuting trains time will be attempted aiming at 150% overcrowding (versus the present rate of 180% in the Tokyo area). Again, for the improvment of the railways, the cooperation and support of central goverment, Iocal goverments and consumers will be needed.
(2) Increasing Inter-Regional Exchange
    The construction of the New Shinkansen (bullet-train) Lines, the improving of the network of main railway lines by promoting through operation via connection with the existing lines of JR (Japan Railways), construction of international and national airline networks, and the greater access to high-speed transportation networks are to be promoted. These policies are all aimed at increasing inter-regional exchange.
(3) Enriching Freetime
    The standardization of the fluctuation of travel demand, the lowering of travel costs, the development of attractive tourist resorts, the improvement in the quality of overseas travel. The promotion of tourism etc, are to be undertaken for the enrichment of freetime.
(4) Improving and Diversifying Transportation Services
    In response to user needs, the improving and diversifying of customer transport services such as more comfortable carriages, ease of switching trains etc., as well as physical distribution services centering around consumer distribution, are being planned.
(5) Harmony with the Earth's Environment
    The lessening of the various transportation facilities' detrimental influence on the environment is aimed at through shifting the transportation structure towards those that are environmentally friendlier such as transporting commuters and cargo by rail and, the more widespread use of low-pollution automobiles such as methanol vehicles.

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