1 Promoting Two Way Tourism 21, etc.
The Two Way Tourism 21 plan was drawn up in July 1991 to promote the strengthening of measures focusing on expanding bi-directional tourism exchange and to improve the quality of overseas traveling. Various measures to ensure the safety of travelers are also being taken such as making videos on safety measures for traveling abroad.
    To encourage more visitors to Japan, activities aiming to attrack foreigners are being strengthened, international tourist model areas are being improved, concepts of international convention cities are being promoted, etc.
    To improve government registered hotels and Japanese-style Inns, efforts will be made to enhance procedures such as the introduction of a foreign guest receiving person-in-charge system as well as to relax the standards of facilities, create information supply systems, etc. Via the "law that reforms part of Law for Improvement of International Tourist Hotel Facilities" that was approved at the 123rd Diet. In addition, in fiscal 1991, the Subsidy System for Aids to Tourist Industry was created (Table 7)
2 Promoting TAP 90's. Etc.
As the tourist action plan based on TAP 90's for 1992, the 8th regional meeting was held in four prefectures in the Shikoku Area.
    In addition, the building of new tourist areas such as developing total resorts family camp villages, the core of which are automobile camp facilities, family travel villages. etc.
3 Promoting Tourism Through Traditional Festivals and Events
    Based on the Law for Promotion of Tourism and Specific Regional Industries.
    Through Traditional Festivals and Events concluded in the 123rd national assembly, the Regional Traditional Arts Utilization Center (tentative name) will support events incorporating the traditional local arts, etc. by funding, supplying information, etc.
4 Promoting New Leisures
    Based on the '' Marine '99 Plan" (Drawn up in July 1988), pleasure boat storage functions are enhanced by improving marinas and promoting the system of certifying the"Best Marina", the appeal of the waterfront space is increased by establishing new water-affinity shore protection, safety is ensured, etc. And via the Japan Sky Leisure Promotion Meeting, sky leisure with safety measures, is being promoted.

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