Automobiles are a necessary part of modern society, but due to traffic
congestion, increasing traffic accident related deaths, air pollution, this
has become an enormous environmental issue. Thus there is a great call for the
realization of a "automobile a safe and environmentally harmonious car-oriented
society with the environment.".
1 Forming a Safe and Environmentally Harmonious car-oriented society with
the environment
To realize this aim it is necessary to build up an efficient traffic system
by modal shifts, mixed freight transport by truck, shifting demand to buses
etc. The development and encouraging the use of environmentally friendly automobiles,
by means of tax incentives to acquire the environment friendly automobile and
measures that speed up the introduction of methanol trucks utilizing the transport
business promotion assistance grant. As for emission standards, stricter regulations
are being implemented based on the Council for Central Anti-pollution measures
report, such as nitrogen oxide measures for urban city area such as Tokyo and
Osaka, carrying out overall measures with car type use regulations etc. using
the motor vehicle inspection system, based on so-called NOx law. Moreover the
prevention of global warming and energy conservation is being contributed towards
by establishing new fuel efficiency standard for gasoline vehicles.
2 For Safer Cars
Various measures of the regulations, recommendations, research etc. Shown
in the March 1992, Council for Transport Technology Report are being carried
out and effective safety regulations as based on the analysis and research of
traffic accidents by Traffic, Accident Research Center have been set up by the
MOT, National Police Agency and the Ministry of Construction. The research for
the realization by early next century of an intelligent car with advanced safety
features is being carried out, thereby showing the direction for the ideal safe
car of the future. Based on the improved reliability. of cars with recent technological
developments and the June 1992 Special Administrative reform Promotion Council
Report, automobile inspection chek-and maintenance with safety and anti-pollution
premises are being considered by the Council for Transport Technology. (Fig