1 Bus
    Bus transportation is an important means of transport in the everyday life of citizens, and as it answers the need for energy conservation, environmental protection and smoother city traffic, buses must be made attractive to private vehicle users.
    In large cities, central level bus-activating communication-associations comprised of concerned parties and the bus-activating committees of each prefecture, city etc. can be used to promote the various measures aimed at realizing a better driving environment for buses. And by utilizing subsidies such as the bus-activating system development fees, the improvement of bus transport services can be implemented.
    As for local buses, although they are facing harsh conditions, by giving grants on the preconditions of management improvement and independent management guidance, efforts will be made to support the bus companies. (Table 8)
2 Taxi
    Omni-taxi in response to late night city transportation demands, wagon-taxis for airport passenger needs etc. are some of the services implemented in response to diversifying and more sophisticated user needs. Also the fare system is also being diversified to offer discounts for the handicapped and aged. Based on the diversifying user needs, scarcity of labor and other changes in the social environment and the Special Administrative Reform Council report, the Council for transport policy is considering how the taxi industry should respond to changes in the economy in fufure, what kind of regulations to implement, how enough manpower can be acquired, etc.
3 Other Transportation Services
    Provising proper guidance to recently expanding businesses such as private car management and driver companies should be conducted with the view to consumer protection.
4 Trucks
    There is a dynamic approach towards relaxing total vehicle weight and other restrictions, devising a policy for the promotion of consolidated service, among other efficiency improving measures, and the modernization of truck transport by devising structural reform plans relating to small and medium size businesses and the utilization of the transport business promotion assistance subsidy grant.

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