Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is pursuing a variety of initiatives to contribute to improving the global water environment.
As part of this effort, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, and together with Asian countries and international organizations, we launched the Asia Wastewater Management Partnership (AWaP) for achievement of SDGs ※1.
AwaP aims at mainstreaming the wastewater management※2, by Raising Awareness on Wastewater Management, promoting Monitoring of Wastewater Management and supporting to Resolve Common Challenges.
※1 SDGs:
Abbreviation of Sustainable Development Goals. International goals for 2016-2030. 17 goals and 169 targets are set, targets 6.3 aim to "halving the proportion of untreated wastewater."
※2 Mainstreaming wastewater management:
In order to increase the investment in wastewater facilities and develop legislation, to place wastewater management as a priority policy issue.
◆ Partner countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan
(Five countries are in alphabetical order excluding Japan)
◆ Supporting Organizations: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP),
◆Expert Organizations: Japan Sewage Works Agency(JS), Japan Sanitation Consortium (JSC)
◆ Partner Network: Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA)
◆ Secretariat: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, Ministry of the Environment
◆ AWaP Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 0.1MB)
< History of establishment>
July 2016 “Conference on Watershed Management for Controlling Municipal Wastewater in South East Asia”
(Venue: Port Messe Nagoya Event Hall 2 (Japan))
December 2017 “Preparation Workshop on the Asia Wastewater Management Partnership (AWaP)”
(Venue: Meria Yangon (Myanmar))
July 2018 “The First General Meeting of the Asia Wastewater Management Partnership (AWaP)”
(Venue: Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Japan))
July 2018 “The Inaugural Symposium ofAsia Wastewater ManagementPartnership (AWaP)”
(Venue: Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Japan))
August 2021 “The 2nd General Meeting of the Asia Wastewater Management Partnership (AWaP)”
( Format: Held online)
August 2021 “Asia Wastewater Management Partnership (AWaP) Technical Seminar”
( Format: Held online)
August 2023 ”The 3rd General Meeting of the Asia Wastewater Management Partnership(AWaP)”
(Venue: Sapporo Dome (Japan))
August 2023 ”Joint Event for the 3rd General Meeting of Asia Wastewater Management Partnership(AWaP)”
(Venue: Sapporo Dome (Japan))