After ending two hundred years of isolation, the revolutionary
government of the Meiji Era (1868-1912 C.E.) quickly
started modernizing the surface transport system by importing
new technologies from Europe. Unlike China and
Europe, Japan did not have a history of horse-drawn
carriages as a method of transport. It was thus impossible to
transform the ancient roads, designed strictly for the
passage of people and horses, into modern roads in a single
The beautifully maintained pre-modern roads of the Edo Era
began to deteriorate under the burden of modern horsedrawn
carriages and human-powered vehicles (or
rickshaws). Arthur Crow, who visited Japan in 1881 C.E.,
recorded this observation in “Highways and Byways in
Japan”: “The Tokaido is in a dreadfully bad state, with ruts
and holes large enough almost to swallow a cart, and yet
traffic is very heavy, both for horse and man-power
The slow improvement of roads can be partially attributed to
the decision by the Meiji Government to give rail and sea
transport higher priority over roads. This decision was
intended to allow Japan to catch up with the advanced
nations of the West as quickly as possible. The backwardness
of the road system in Japan continued until 1945 when
Japan was defeated in World War II and the entire national
landscape was devastated by bombings and other catastrophes
of war. During the reconstruction process in Japan, the
modernization of roads in Japan was fully accelerated along
with the development of railways.