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Home > List of ports in Japan > Otaru Port

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The Otaru Port, a good natural port surrounded by mountains on three sides, has been developed from olden times as a base for opening up Hokkaido. Its facilities were outfitted to handle large passenger cruise ships, and now they can even berth 140,000 ton class vessels. The port is close to the downtown district where you'll find Otaru Canal, glass ateliers, large shopping malls, and other tourist facilities within walking range for an enjoyable stroll when docked. National roads, highways, and JR stations are nearby as well, making it quite convenient to access other popular tourist areas in Hokkaido. Moreover, the Otaru Port is only 70 minutes away from New Chitose Airport, the gateway to Hokkaido, so in recent years the port has been used more and more as a launching point for cruises.

Port Area Tourist Information

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Here in Hakodate, whose periphery is surrounded by sea, you can always find fresh seafood to eat. One of the seafood var...


Sakaimachi Street

Dating from the Meiji Period until the beginning of the Showa Period when Otaru's economy was at its zenith, the stone h...

Main Attractions

Otaru Canal and nostalgic rows of houses

The relics of bygone days remain in the stone warehouses that line the Otaru Canal, the symbol of Otaru. Gas lamps light...


Otaru Ushio Festival

Otaru's largest summer festival is "Ushio Nerikomi," a festival that started as a prayer for local community development...

Port Information

This is linked to a map in an external website. You can view port area information through its zoom feature.

Location 4-2,Minatomachi,Otaru,Hokkaido,047-0007 map
Nearest major airport New Chitose Airport ( Train and Foot  85 minute ) map
Nearest major train station JR Hakodate Line Otaru Station ( Foot  15 minute ) map
Nearest major bus station Otaru station square terminal ( Foot  15 minute ) map
Berth Wharf No.3 #16,17 map
Katsunai Wharf #2,3 map
Port management Port Office Industry-Port and Harbor Department Otaru City  
TEL 0134-23-1107  
E-MAIL kowan@city.otaru.lg.jp  

Click here for more port-related information (link to an external website)

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