Title Traditional Dance Ritual Kojitsu Shiki Sanban

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Traditional Dance Ritual Kojitsu Shiki Sanban

The Kojitsu Shiki Sanban is a four-part ritual dance performed each year to ensure an abundant harvest and peace throughout Japan.

The dance begins with a performer wearing the mask of an old man who announces the start of the Kojitsu Shiki Sanban. After prayers for peace are conducted, there is a dance by a performer wearing the mask of a young woman. Finally, a different performer wearing the mask and attire of an elderly woman performs a stamping dance.

Kojitsu Shiki Sanban is performed each May, during the Fujiwara Festival, on the Noh stage of Hakusan Shrine. This shrine sits northwest of Chusonji and is dedicated to the native spirits that inhabit and protect the land around the temple.
