Title Dazaifuten Shrine

  • Yamanashi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Tsuru Farm Stay Promotion Council
Associated Address:
950 Sakai, Tsuru-shi , Yamanashi


権威ある大宰府天満宮の分社であるこの大宰府天神社についての最も初期の記述から、この神社が15世紀初頭には既に存在していたことがわかります。 この神社は何度か再建されました。地元の有力者であった天野伴蔵は、1837年に失火したこの歴史ある神社のために資金を調達し、1864年に再建を実現させました。現在の構造はその時以来のものです。

ここに祀られている霊は、今から千年以上前に活躍していた学者・政治家の菅原道真(845-903年)の霊です。 今日、道真は学問の神として崇拝され、試験で良い成績を収めることができるよう祈願する人々がこの神社を訪れます。


Dazaifuten Shrine

A branch of the influential Daizaifu Tenmangu Shrine, the earliest records indicate this shrine was here as early as the fifteenth century. It has been rebuilt several times. The current structure was built in 1864, the previous one having been lost to fire in 1837. It was constructed thanks to the fundraising efforts of Amano Hanzo, a prominent local figure.

The spirit enshrined here is that of Sugawara no Michizane (845–903), a scholar and statesman who lived more than 1000 years ago. Today he is revered as a spirit of learning and is often featured in the prayers of those seeking success in school.

The shrine owes its beautiful appearance to the famous team of master craftsmen Ozawa Hanbei and his adopted son Fukuda Toshihide. Their unique style of exquisitely detailed carving can still be seen on many shrines and temples to this day. The work they produced for this building is considered among their best. The images depicted include a wide variety of animals. There are dragons amid clouds along the front, as well as cranes, chickens, rabbits, and tigers along either side. Towards the back are two large scenes from classical Chinese literature, which are so intricate that they took several years to complete.
