Title Great Pagoda(Konpon Daito)

  • Wakayama
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根本大塔は、多宝塔様式としては日本最初のものと言われており、二階建ての塔です 。雨や風の際には、来場者は、尖塔に繋がる数々の風鐸が鳴るのを楽しめます。密教の教えを広めた真言八祖が、根本大塔の壁の角に描かれています。ここには弘法大師のみでなく、弘法大師に密教を教えた師、中国唐の密教僧である恵果(746-805)も含まれています。

堂内には珍しい胎蔵界の立体曼荼羅があります。これは形而上学的な世界を表現したものであり、真言密教にとって重要です。中心にある大きな大日如来の像(サンスクリット語ではVairocanaとして知られています)は、金剛界の四仏 や十六大菩薩の像や、それらが描かれた柱に囲まれています。 曼荼羅とは通常描かれているもの、または織物で表現される事が多いです。そのため、根本大塔はシンボリックで神聖な密教の教えを体験できる稀な機会です。


TITLE: Great PagodaKonpon Daito

After founding Koyasan, Kobo Daishi (774–835), who was also known as Kukai, arranged for the construction of the Konpon Daito, or Great Pagoda. The pagoda was intended not only to serve as a place of worship, but also to contain a three-dimensional representation of the Womb Realm Mandala for use by Shingon priests as an important tool for training and ongoing meditation. Although construction of the Konpon Daito began in 816, Kobo Daishi entered his eternal meditation before the building was complete. His successor, Shinzen Daitoku (804–891), oversaw the remaining work, which was completed in 876.

The Konpon Daito is a two-storied pagoda, believed to be the first of its kind in Japan. In the rain, or in windy conditions, visitors can hear the ringing of the dozens of bronze wind bells connected to the spire. Portraits of the eight patriarchs who spread the teachings of esoteric Buddhism, known within the Shingon sect as the Eight Great Doctrine-Expounding Patriarchs, are painted on the corners of the Konpon Daito’s interior walls. These patriarchs include not only Kobo Daishi but also Huiguo (746–805), known in Japanese as Keika, the Chinese Buddhist monk who taught Kobo Daishi the principles of esoteric Buddhism.

The pagoda interior houses the rare, three-dimensional representation of the Womb Realm Mandala, a ritual visualization of the metaphysical universe and an important part of Shingon Buddhist practice. At the center sits a massive statue of Dainichi Nyorai (known in Sanskrit as Vairocana), surrounded by other statues and pillars with paintings depicting the other Buddhist deities of the Diamond Realm. Most mandalas appear in painted form, or as tapestries, making the Konpon Daito a unique opportunity to experience this symbolic and sacred Buddhist teaching.

The pagoda has been destroyed by fire and lightning, and subsequently rebuilt, on multiple occasions, most recently during the early twentieth century.
