Title Statue of Kichijoten

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Statue of Kichijoten

Kichijoten is a Buddhist deity of good harvest, luck, and beauty. She derives from the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, and appears here draped in the robes and jewels of a noblewoman of ninth or tenth century China, a golden age of creativity and culture.

In her left hand is a wish-granting jewel, symbolizing the ability to bestow happiness, good fortune, and wealth. Her right hand reaches out slightly, creating an elegant pose. The statue still retains some of the original coloring. Kichijoten and Bishamonten flank the statue of the historical Buddha in the Hall. The statue dates to 1078 and is carved from a single block of Japanese cypress. Noted for its fine detail, it is one of the most intricate and exquisite pieces of extant religious art from the Heian period (794–1185).
