Title Kuroko Michi Trail

  • Wakayama
Nature/Ecology Activities
Medium/Media of Use:
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
Koyasan, Koya-cho Ito-gun , Wakayama





Kuroko Michi Trail

This 16-kilometer trail is the shortest, yet toughest, of the seven routes up to Koyasan; it usually takes around 7 hours to complete. It starts at Jofukuji Temple, several kilometers from Hashimoto Station. The trail has many steep climbs, passing by small streams and through thick forest. It is recommended for experienced hikers who can manage long uphill sections.

The Kuroko Michi was an essential lifeline for the monks of Koyasan. The monastic complex was perched high in the mountains, where the steep slopes and cold climate hindered the cultivation of crops. The community had to rely on porters who used this route to carry rice, produce, and other necessities of life up to the temple complex.

Hikers will find interesting landmarks along the trail, like the Ichidaira-bashi suspension bridge, small waterfalls, and several stone Buddha and Jizo statues. There are signs at regular intervals along the route. Restrooms are few and far between, and there are no places to buy snacks, so please come prepared with sufficient provisions and water.
