Title Munakata Taisha Amulets

  • Fukuoka
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Preservation and Utilization Council of "Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region"
Associated Address:
Munakata-shi , Fukuoka




Munakata Taisha Amulets

Protective amulets or talismans (omamori) are available at shrines across Japan. Munakata Taisha offers its own selection, including small containers of spring water from the sacred island of Okinoshima; the only substance that can be removed from the island. While the three deities were originally protectors of sea routes, over time that has been extended to all traffic routes, so you can purchase an amulet for road safety, the shrine’s most popular type of amulet. Other amulets are meant to ensure good health, safe pregnancy and delivery, good academic results, and so on. Another kind of charm called an ofuda is available. These represent divine protection of the home, either as an inscription on a slip of paper or on a wooden plaque that you can display in the home.

You can buy stamp books (shuincho) at the shrine, or you can bring your own. A shrine attendant will add calligraphy and a decorative stamp of the shrine to commemorate your visit. Collectors of these stamps can obtain a stamp for Okitsu-miya on Okinoshima, which is not open to the public, at Nakatsu-miya on Oshima.
