Title First Floor

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
65-2 Kitakoken, Inuyama-shi , Aichi

犬山城 一階

犬山城の天守は、居住区ではなく要塞として建てられましたが、1階には両方が混在しています。 4つの部屋に分かれており、多くの防御機能が組み込まれています。





First Floor

Although the main keep was built primarily as a fortress, the first floor has a mix of living quarters and defensive features. There are four rooms in the center, including a room reserved for the exclusive use of the lord of the castle when he was in residence there. This room has a hidden compartment for concealing samurai who would be at the ready to assist their lord if needed. Surrounding these rooms is a wide corridor known as a mushabashiri (literally “warrior run”) which is wide enough for warriors to assemble and move around the castle should it come under attack. Note the well-worn yet sturdy wooden floors.

Another defensive feature of the first floor is the “stone-drop” (ishiotoshi) chambers at the northwest and northeast corners. From inside the castle, defenders could launch surprise attacks against intruders trying to scale the castle wall by dropping stones or boiling water on them.

The windows are fitted with wooden slats set at an angle that allowed defenders to shoot arrows or bullets while also being shielded from return fire.
