Title Karahafu Gable

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
65-2 Kitakoken, Inuyama-shi , Aichi

犬山城 唐破風(からはふ)

犬山城の正面にある破風は、最も顕著な特徴の1つです。 波状の曲線は、矢を放す準備ができた引き弓に似ています。 東アジアに独特なスタイルで、城、仏教寺院、神社に限られています。唐破風は1537年に犬山城が建てられた当初のデザインには含まれていないと伝えられています。成瀬正成(1567-1625)が設置し、城主在任期間に3階と4階も増築しました。唐破風は、建物に威信の要素を追加することを意図しており、権威の象徴であることを示しています。

Karahafu Gable

The gables (karahafu) on the north and south facades of Inuyama Castle are among its most distinguishing features. The undulating curves resemble a drawn bow ready to release an arrow. Although “kara” can be translated as “Chinese” and perhaps indicates a Chinese provenance, gables of this shape can be found throughout East Asia. In Japan, they are often found on castles, Buddhist temples, and Shinto shrines.

It is thought that the gables were added during the expansion by Naruse Masanari (1567–1625) when he added the third and fourth floors during his service as lord of the castle. The gables were meant to add an element of prestige to the building and to be a symbol of authority.
