Title Guard Rooms

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
65-2 Kitakoken, Inuyama-shi , Aichi

犬山城 つけ櫓

犬山城の天守は、城に近づいてくる敵を見張りが監視する唯一の展望台ではありません。天守の両側にある2つの砲塔(つけ櫓)は監視室としても機能します(一つは見張り塔、一つは石落としの間にある)。 外観からは、城のデザインに溶け込み、高さ5メートルの石造りの地下室の角を越えて延びています。 内側の窓から周辺エリアの広い眺めが見え、防御側は軍隊の前進よりも有利になります。 守衛室は、城の守備隊が突破された場合に、入り口の上の側面から反撃できるようにします。 1891年の濃尾地震により元のつけ櫓は破壊されましたが、後に元の状態に復元されました。

Guard Rooms

Inuyama Castle has two special guard rooms (tsuke yagura) on the first floor of the keep. From the exterior, they blend into the castle’s design, as they are two of the corners of the first floor that sits atop the five-meter-high stone foundation. From inside, windows offer a broad view of the surrounding area so that guards can quickly discover advancing foes. The guard room to the southeast is an extension that projects beyond the original corner of the keep’s facade and directly overlooks the basement entrance. This position would allow the castle’s defenders to strike at would-be intruders from the side, at a higher elevation than the entrance. The other room is on the northwest corner, and includes the stone drop (ishiotoshi) in its design. The Nobi Earthquake of 1891 destroyed the original guard rooms, but they were later restored to their original state.
