Title Isobe Residence

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Villages/Towns
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
72 Higashikoken,Inuyama-shi, Aichi


磯部邸は、江戸時代(1603~1867)の建築様式を反映した伝統的な商家の家(町屋)です。 磯部家は、江戸時代に着物を大規模に販売していました。太平洋戦争(1941-1945)の後、彼らはお茶の販売に集中しました。


敷地は、幅が6.8メートルの狭い前部が示すよりも実際には奥に深いです。内部には、倉庫、独立した裏庭、中庭を含む長さ58メートルの複合施設があります。 「うなぎの寝床」と呼ばれるこの細長いスタイルは、磯部家に2つの利点をもたらしました。まず、商取引は通りに最も近い部屋で行われ、家の後ろの部分は居住区に残されます。そして第二に、不動産所有者は通りの正面の幅に基づいて課税されるため、経済的でした。


Isobe Residence

The Isobe Residence is a traditional merchant’s family home (machiya) with an architectural style typical of the Edo period (1603–1868) in which it was built. The Isobe family began selling kimono fabric on a large scale during the Edo period, though after the Pacific War (1941–1945) they focused on selling tea.

The building stands out from others along this castle town street because of the bulging lines of its roof (mukuri yane). The family chose a distinctive roof to reflect the luxury wares they sold.

The property is deceptively larger than the narrow, 6.8-meter-wide front suggests. Inside gives way to a 58-meter-long complex that includes storehouses, a detached back parlor, and a courtyard. The long, narrow property had two benefits for the Isobe family. First, business transactions could take place in the rooms closest to the street, leaving the back portion of the house for living quarters. And second, it was economical, as property taxes were based on the width of street frontage.

The Isobe Residence has been the property of the city of Inuyama since 2004. All of its buildings are registered as Tangible Cultural Properties.
