Title 【Zuriage Udon】

  • Saitama
Cuisine/Food Culture
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:













Zuriage Udon

Zuriage udon is an edible part of Chichibu’s long history as an agrarian community. The name zuriage means “slide” or “drag up” and refers to the unusual way in which these thick wheat noodles are eaten. Normally, udon is served in a bowl of soy-based broth with toppings such as diced scallions, fried tofu, tempura, and slices of fish cake. To eat zuriage udon in the traditional manner, however, diners pull the noodles straight from a communal pot and dip them into seasonings in their own small bowls. This eating method is said to have originated with farmers who worked in the mountains and favored a one-pot meal that could be prepared easily and eaten around a single fire.

Another hallmark of zuriage udon is the range of condiments with which it can be combined. Zuriage udon is often eaten with standard udon toppings, such as diced scallions, wakame (a kind of seaweed), dried bonito flakes, grated ginger, sesame seeds, and bits of fried tempura batter (agedama). In addition to these, zuriage udon can be flavored with more unconventional toppings, like mayonnaise, sesame oil, yuzu, pepper, and even curry sauce. Toppings are chosen purely based on the diner’s own preferences.

A number of restaurants in Chichibu offer zuriage udon. Instead of eating from a communal pot, diners are served a bowl of udon in hot water and a smaller bowl to prepare their own dipping sauce. Condiments are presented buffet-style, so diners can make their own selections and adjust the flavor of the sauce to their liking. Typically, soy sauce is drizzled over the chosen condiments and can be diluted with a little hot water from the bowl if the flavor is too strong. Zuriage udon can also be served cold, a variation that is more common in the hotter months of the year.
