Title Ohi Museum and Ohi Gallery

  • Ishikawa
Regional Specialties Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Traditional Crafts Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Ishikawa Prefecture Tourism League






Ohi Museum and Ohi Gallery

The Ohi Museum and Ohi Gallery are dedicated to the Ohi family’s specific style of uneven, rugged tea ceremony ware and its more than 350-year history. Each Ohi tea bowl is made with handcrafted tools and without a wheel, then fired individually in the same small kiln used by the style’s founder, Ohi Chozaemon I (1631–1712).

The family’s characteristically austere tea ware gained high prestige thanks to the ruling Maeda family’s patronage of the tea ceremony and art in Edo-period (1603–1867) Ishikawa. Ohi Chozaemon I came to Kanazawa from Kyoto with tea master Senso Soshitsu (1622–1697) in 1666 by invitation from the Maeda family.

The museum and gallery were built adjacent to the family’s home, a classic samurai residence surrounding a 500-year-old red pine tree. The museum showcases works and artifacts from all 11 generations of Ohi heirs alongside the family’s collection of art.

The gallery was designed by renowned architect Kengo Kuma in 2014 as an extension of the family home. Works by the living Ohi heirs—Ohi Chozaemon X (Toyasai), Ohi Chozaemon XI (Toshio), and his son, Yuki Nara—are on sale here. In the gallery’s tearoom, visitors can enjoy matcha tea in authentic Ohi tea bowls, accompanied by Kanazawa-style sweets.
