Title Ueno Tenjin Festival: Nakamachi

  • Mie
Villages/Towns Annual Events
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Associated Tourism Board:
Iga-Ueno Tourist Association
Associated Address:
122-4 Ueno marunochi, Iga-shi , Mie



「だんじり」の名前の前半部分である其神山は、新古今和歌集の歌に由来する。 後半部分の葵鉾は、屋根から突き出た立ち葵が飾られた鉾からきている。日本の葵は京都の最大の祭りである葵祭の公式な植物である。様々な花が「だんじり」の内側の天井から水引幕、見送幕まで飾られ、屋根には光り輝く金箔と宝石が施されている。破風には、雲竜が複雑に彫られている。


Ueno Tenjin Festival: Nakamachi

Shirushi: Kikujidō

Danjiri: Kishinzan-Aoiboko

Built in 1802, the Nakamachi shirushi float is named Kikujidō, or “Boy with Chrysanthemums,” a reference to the central figure in the decorations. The shirushi’s back banner is reportedly made from the fabric of courtly robes made in China during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644).

The first part of the danjiri float’s name, Kishinzan, is from an old folk song. The second part, Aoiboko, comes from the spear tipped with Japanese ginger (aoigusa) that pierces its roof. Japanese ginger is the official plant of the Aoi Festival, the largest of which is celebrated in Kyoto. A variety of flowers adorn the float from the inner ceiling to the middle curtain and the side banner, and the float’s gables sparkle with gold leaf and jewels. The eaves are intricately carved with dragons and clouds.

Two events from Chinese history and legend are depicted on the lower curtains. The main curtain shows Tao Yuanming (365–427), a Chinese poet of the Jin dynasty (266–420), returning to his home—a reference to a famous poem also associated with chrysanthemums. The back curtain reproduces one of the dragon paintings of Wu Daozi (680–760), a Chinese painter said to be so skilled that his dragons came to life.
