Title Haiseiden

  • Mie
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Iga-Ueno Tourist Association
Associated Address:
117 Ueno marunochi, Iga-shi , Mie


1942年に芭蕉(1644~1694)の生誕300周年を記念して建てられた俳聖殿は、「俳句の聖人」としての心に残る記念碑である。芭蕉を最高に尊敬する崇拝者の一人であった三重県の政治家川崎克(1880–1949)の音頭によって伊賀市に建てられた。 俳聖殿は、芭蕉の姿に似せている。上部の湾曲した屋根は彼の旅笠をイメージし、下部の八角形の屋根は芭蕉の合羽と腰簑をイメージしている。建物を支える柱は、芭蕉がいつも携帯していた杖を表している。 ホール内には陶器製の芭蕉像が設置され、現代の俳人に創造的刺激を与えているのである。



Built in 1942 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Bashō’s (1644–1694) birth, the Haiseiden hall is a striking monument to its namesake, the “saint of haiku.” The building was commissioned by the city of Iga in a project led by Kawasaki Katsu (1880–1949), a Mie Prefecture politician who was one of the poet’s greatest admirers. The Haiseiden is meant to resemble Bashō himself. Its upper curved roof corresponds to his hat, while the lower octagonal roof corresponds to his coat and sash. The pillars at the base represent the poet’s ever-present walking stick. A ceramic statue of Bashō sits inside the hall, offering inspiration to modern poets.

Every year on October 12—the anniversary of Bashō’s death—a festival is held at the Haiseiden to honor his legacy, during which the doors to the statue’s chamber are opened. A national haiku contest is held in which writers offer poems and prayers to the poet’s memory. In recent years the contest has been opened to international poets, and submissions in English are accepted.
