Title Iga Sake

  • Mie
Regional Specialties
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Iga-Ueno Tourist Association
Associated Address:
122-4 Ueno marunochi, Iga-shi , Mie



清酒は通常、一年の寒い月に醸造される。 米は秋に収穫され、余分な脂肪やタンパク質を取り除くために精米される。 その後、一部を使用して麹菌を成長させるために蒸す。 次に、蒸された米、水、麹発酵米を混ぜて、酵母を加える。 酵母が十分に増えると、水、米、麹が段階的に追加される。

発酵が進むにつれて、醸造者は発酵槽を厳重に監視して、正確に制御された温度を保つ。温度が1度でも変化すると、最終製品の風味が変わってしまう可能性がある。 20~35日間発酵させた後、乳状の液体をろ過し、残りの米固形物を除去する。通常は低温殺菌してから、タンクに戻して熟成させる。 日本酒は瓶詰め前に6ヶ月間熟成させるが、ごくまれに何年も熟成させることもある。 酒の熟成が終了すると、瓶詰めされ、ラベルが貼られるのである。

伊賀地域は、近くの山の融雪からの滑らかで軟らかいの豊富な水の恩恵を受けている。 伊賀と三重県周辺の農家は高品質の米を生産し、地元の醸造所は好みの米を農家から直接調達している。 伊賀の冬は特に寒く、醸造中の温度を下げ、独特の香り高い酒の生産を容易にしている。 伊賀の各醸造所には独自の味と香りの特質があるが、伊賀のすべての醸造所には共通点がある。それはどこもが高品質の酒を生産し、特別な環境を共有していることである。

Iga Sake

There are only four ingredients in sake: rice, water, yeast, and koji―steamed rice, upon which a specific mold has been grown. With these simple components, sake brewers can create an impressive variety of tastes and styles.

Sake is usually brewed in the colder months of the year. Rice is harvested in autumn and milled to remove excess fat and protein. It is then steamed, and a portion is used to grow the koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae). Next, steamed rice, water, and koji rice are mixed together, and yeast is added. Once the yeast population is high enough, more water, steamed rice, and koji are added in stages.

As fermentation proceeds, brewers closely monitor the tanks to ensure a precisely controlled temperature―a variation of even a single degree can change the flavor of the final product. After fermenting for 20 to 35 days, the milky liquid is filtered to remove the remaining rice solids, and usually pasteurized, before being returned to tanks to mature. The sake is allowed to mature for 6 months before bottling, but very occasionally sake is aged for years. Once the sake is finished aging, it is bottled and labeled.

The Iga region benefits from an ample supply of smooth, soft water from the snowmelt of nearby mountains. Every aspect of the sake is a regional endeavor: farmers in Iga and around Mie Prefecture produce high-quality rice, and local breweries source their preferred rice types directly from the farmers. Iga has particularly cold winters, which help keep the temperature down during the brewing process, making it easier to produce distinctively aromatic sake. While each Iga brewery has its own individual flavor profile, all breweries in Iga have something in common: they produce high-quality sake and have an appreciation for their special environment.
