Title Iga Ninja: Clothing and Equipment

  • Mie
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Activities Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Iga-Ueno Tourist Association
Associated Address:
Ueno marunochi, Iga-shi , Mie,


一般的に、忍者は黒い衣装と頭巾で身を包んでいると思われている。しかし、実際には、彼らは通常簡単な農民の服を着ていた。 忍者は農民の姿になることで、人目を引くことなく人前で活動ができた。忍者の衣装は快適で動き易いものであった。夜になると、忍者は紺や茶色の服を着て闇に紛れた。

忍者は、村の外を間諜として自由に旅行するために、通常、7つの方法のいずれかで変装した。 虚無僧姿で、深編笠を被り、尺八を吹いて施しを受けた。忍者は山に向う場合、山伏姿に変装した。町での諜報活動では、僧侶の姿で麦藁帽を被り、顔を隠した。時には旅の能役者、商人、大道芸人にも身を変えた。

忍者は、農具を改良することにより、独自の専門忍具を作成しました。武士以外は刀や銃器を携行することは違法だったが、鎌、刃物、その他の道具は危ない忍具として使用できた。縄と鎖は、高いところに登ったり、距離のある敵と戦ったりするのにも長けていたことが知られている。全盛期には 伊賀忍者は火薬の利用にも優れていた。


Iga Ninja: Clothing and Equipment

In popular culture, ninja are often shown wearing black uniforms and face masks, but in reality they usually dressed in simple farmer’s clothes. Dressed as farmers, ninja could operate in public without attracting attention, and their clothes were comfortable and gave freedom of movement. At night, ninja might wear navy blue or brown clothing to hide in the shadows.

In order to travel freely as spies outside their village, ninja typically disguised themselves in one of seven ways: in addition to dressing as a farmer, they might dress as anonymous mendicant monks of the Fuke school of Zen, who wore woven reed hoods that look like upside-down baskets and played the flute for alms. If they were headed into the mountains, they might dress as yamabushi, or mountain ascetics. For espionage missions in town, they could dress as monks, whose straw hats effectively hid their faces, or as traveling Noh actors, merchants, or street performers.

Ninja created their own specialized gear by modifying farm implements. It was unlawful for anyone but the samurai to carry swords and firearms, but sickles, knives, and other tools could be applied as deadly weapons. Ropes and chains were useful for climbing and fighting enemies at a distance. During their heyday, Iga ninja were known to be especially skilled at using explosives.

At the Danjiri Museum, you can rent a modern interpretation of traditional ninja garb to wear as you explore the city of ninja.
