Title Pine Grosbeak

  • Hokkaido
Nature/Ecology $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Shiretoko National Park



この小鳥はフィンチ類の中で最も大きい種類のひとつで、体長は最大 22 センチメートル、体重は最大 80 グラムにもなります。成長した大人の雄のギンザンマシコは独特の赤い頭、背中、尻を持ち、大人の雌は黄色とオリーブ色の頭と灰色の尾をしています。


Pine Grosbeak

The pine grosbeak (ginzan mashiko; Pinicola enucleator) is a rare finch that lives in this area and can be seen from this pass.

This bird is one of the largest in the finch family, with a total length up to 22 centimeters and a weight up to 80 grams. Adult male pine grosbeaks have distinctive red-colored heads, backs, and rumps, while adult females have yellow and olive-colored heads and gray tails.

The pine grosbeak lives in the coniferous forests of Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Hokkaido. Although the bird generally tends to live near its original breeding ground, it may go farther south during the winter when food is scarce. Its diet consists mainly of seeds, nuts, and insects.
