Title Cape Osuzaki Lighthouse

  • Miyagi
Villages/Towns Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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Cape Osuzaki Lighthouse

Constructed in 1949, the Cape Osuzaki Lighthouse overlooks the fishing harbor of the small town of Osu on the Ogatsu Peninsula. Although only a modest 12 meters tall, the lighthouse has weathered many storms and was undamaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011.

A symbol of hope to fishermen and locals alike, in 2018 this lighthouse became the first in Miyagi Prefecture to be included in the Love Lighthouse Project, a joint initiative by the Nippon Foundation, Nippon Romanticist Association and other organizations to preserve and promote the romance of lighthouses throughout the country. The lighthouse is surrounded by a tranquil garden, and the photogenic, heart-shaped marina below makes it a particularly romantic spot. When the weather is clear, there is a fine view of the islands dotting the surrounding sea, including the sacred island of Kinkasan.
